I think the WTS failed predictions about the "last generation" is starting to take it's toll. The core justification and validation of the Society has always been the cleansing that supposedly took place in 1919. The fact that the world still has not ended - and has no intentions of ending anytime soon - is a real pain in their ass. Even the GB must be getting tired of their own mantra "any day now."
Wars are not becoming anymore frequent. Earthquakes are not increasing. And the UN shows no signs of waging a worldwide attack on "false" religion.
On top of that, they've realized their business model is not sustainable. People are giving less of their money and spending more of their time doing other things. Their only growth is in third world countries which is why so many of the publications have been simplified and the doctrine has been so dumbed down (to the dismay of countless witnesses). The JWs sense of community is the only thing they have left going for them (let's get together twice a week and talk about how much better we are than everyone else and all those who didn't bother to show up today).
The WTS is trying to capatalize on the JWs sense of connection as much as they can. It's too early to tell, but I hope this whole thing backfires on them spectacularly. Instead of attracting new people to the BORG they may end up alienating the base they already have. Perhaps the JWs will start realizing they can socialize with people outside of the BORG. That groupthink isn't neccissary - or even desirable- for friendships.
Call me crazy, but I predict within the next ten to twelve years we're going to see a mass exodus from this religion that will put 1975 to shame. Once the growth stops and the shrinking begins there's going to be a snowball effect. Why stay in if all your friends and family are out?